Stand up | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Stand up

Posted on Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 10:55 AM

Attention all you little shits who are so engrossed in your iphone bird games whilst sitting in the seats that are RESERVED for handicapped and elderly people at the front of the bus: put down your iphone and stand the FUCK up when an older person gets on a crowded bus. I saw you little maggots sitting on your tender youthful asses in black lipstick! (What is this 1990? Get over yourself) and stupid baseball hats ignoring the world around you, while old ladies with busted hips had to attempt to shuffle down the bus to find a seat. What, are you too fatigued from sitting in your mother’s warm house in Bedford on your 2000 dollar Facebook machine all day lamenting your pathetic life to pick your lily ass up so someone who has survived DECADES on this godforsaken planet can sit down? Learn some goddamn manners. —My Daddy Taught Me Good

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