The whole package plus a little extra | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, January 20, 2012

The whole package plus a little extra

Posted on Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 4:49 PM

I am fed up with people judging and stereotyping me because of my appearance. I am educated, well travelled, intelligent, funny and kind. I am hard working, confident and constantly try to better myself. At my age (mid-twenties) I have done more than most people who are in their 40s (personally and professionally). I have managed people, travelled the world, been in charge of multi-million dollar projects, etc. But ever since I've come back to Halifax, it's like I'm a social pariah. I am a bigger girl, and it's mostly due to genes and a hormone disorder. I'm not lazy, I exercise 3-4 times a week and I don't sit home eating chips and cookies all day, I am actually a semi-vegetarian and eat very healthy most meals. Despite all this, I'm stuck working in a shitty, dead end job for minimal pay and have a non-existent love life. I haven't had this kind of blatant disrespect and dismissal ever, and it makes me just want to leave this city, but my family is here and I want to be close to them as my parents age. I know haters are going to hate regardless, but people - have enough balls to look past someones appearance because what's underneath might just be the best thing going. —Big, Bold and Beautiful So Deal With It!

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