To a certain cosmetics store | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

To a certain cosmetics store

Posted on Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 10:58 AM

I love your products. For the first time in years, I've found a line of awesomely smelling, pretty and lovely bath things that don't make me sneeze, break out in hives, or unable to breath when I use them. I buy and use a wide range of your products frequently, both buying from the local store and online. I like that the staff is friendly and willing to answer questions when I have them.

Here's the problem, though: even if I already have a basket full of awesome stuff your staff are still trying to aggressively up-sell, which is obviously what they were trained to do. If you ask me if I have any questions and I say "no thank you", I don't understand why you wouldn't leave me alone after that. I get that you guys probably have a quota to make, but do you have any idea how annoying it is to feel like you're being hounded by the sales staff the entire time you're in the store? The last time I was there, I was pretty much followed around the store by your staff, constantly being asked if I had any questions, if I wanted to try out X, or being rambled at about a product that I had already used 10 times. Every time I would pick up something different, more questions would soon follow. When I would say "no thank you" or "I'm already familiar with this product" or "I don't need help, thanks" and try to return to looking, I'd still have someone continuing to ask me questions or trying to show me something "new".

Even once I was at the cash with a handful of not-so-cheap things, there was even MORE up-selling going on. "Did you have any other questions?" (no thank you), "have you tried X, you'll love it?" (no, but I've got enough for today), "oh, you like X? Y smells just like it, do you want to try?" (I already have it). And all of a sudden my "quick" trip to buy a couple of bath things turns into a 40 minute nightmare.

In short: could you tone it down a bit, please? I love the products, but the place is starting to get annoying. I'd stick to buying online, but I like to see/smell new (to me) products before I buy them for the first time. —Lover of Luscious Things


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