Trying to find a working pay phone | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Trying to find a working pay phone

Posted on Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 3:33 PM

Last weekend I was at a drug store near Gottingen and Duffus running errands - my cell died, and I needed a pay phone to a) call a friend I was planning to meet, and b) call a cab. The pay phones in front of the store didn't work... staff in the stores in the area might call a cab (thanks to the girl at the corner store on Duffus) but no one would let me use their phone to call a friend... all looked at me like I was a potential criminal for even asking. I live and work in the north end - it seems most pay phones in the area don't work, and it doesn't look like the phone company has any plans to fix them... (yet downtown pay phones all seem to work - discrimination against north enders?) How about Coast - provide us with a map of working pay phones on the peninsula? —Need a Pay Phone! Please!

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