You Couldn't Wait for a Break in Traffic? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

You Couldn't Wait for a Break in Traffic?

Posted on Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 10:19 AM

To the asshat who thought it okay to spit out of their car window on a busy road in afternoon traffic: Fuck you! Where do you think it would go at 80km/hour!? Do you understand the basic concepts of gravity and physics!? Your huge loogie hit my car's hood with a disgusting splat and bounced up, landing right on my windshield, where the wipers DON'T reach and I had to stare at your phlegm the rest of the way home. Not to mention how many times I gagged whilst trying to remove it from my car when I got there. Here's to hoping that whatever plague you have keeps you up for many long sleepless nights, you disgusting neanderthal. —Saturn Ion

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