No Smoking Bus Stops | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

No Smoking Bus Stops

Posted on Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 11:00 AM

Tonight I read the sign at the dartmouth bridge bus stop, as I do every time I am there: NO SMOKING, fines up to $1000... blah blah blah. Really? Has anybody ever been fined for this? Why make laws to supposedly crack down on public smoking and then never ever do anything about them? Every day I am there I have to live with say 15-20 people lighting one up. If we are going to have a law let's friggin enforce it. To top it all off on Saturday there was a pregnant lady in a white with blue and black striped jacket smoking... Really? Really? Do you not know how bad that is for your baby? Like do you care at all about the baby in your stomach? Just tired of standing at a smoky bus stop with really stupid, inconsiderate smokers... it just makes me feel sick... —Blackened Lungs/Upset Stomach

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