Disabled or Just an Asshole? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, October 21, 2011

Disabled or Just an Asshole?

Posted on Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 10:12 AM

I was parked downtown this morning in a disability spot just off Spring Garden. It was difficult to get in because someone without a disability tag was parked half in the space with their 4 way flashers on (like that helps anybody) but that's another story. I usually go to see my doctor once a month so this is the only time I use that particular parking space and usually for about 20 minutes, then I'm out of there. When I came out someone took the time out of their busy day to leave me a love letter on my windshield that reads such as this: "YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE FOR PARKING HERE. THERE IS NOTHING Wrong with you EXCEPT YOUR AN ASSHOLE." Judging by the way they wrote this letter, I can tell they're not the sharpest tool in the shed. I'm 28, had a bad work accident, many surgeries and now I can only bend my left leg about 40 degrees. Normal people have a range of about 130 degrees, yeah, it's a huge loss and it's permanent. It's hard enough dealing with the fact that I can't do my job or do many of the things I used to do ever again like biking, running, jogging, etc. I mean for Christ's sake, I have a hard time sitting, standing, shitting, sleeping, getting in and out of the car without looking ridiculous and walking these days. I AM permanently disabled, as much as I hate it, have a valid tag and have every right to park there and here's a letter from a coward informing me that I'm an asshole and apparently they're a doctor because there's also nothing wrong with me! —Baby Sitter Killer

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