Tolerate This! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Tolerate This!

Posted on Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 10:30 AM

This is for all you spineless pinheads that think being tolerant is the next holy fucking grail! No, this doesn't include those that tolerate folks that are different because of sexuality or religion etc. This is for those mindless folks that don't know how to stand up for ANYTHING and call it tolerance. I am so sick of all these no opinion-opinionated shit heads telling me (and folks like me with actual informed opinions) to keep our opinions to ourselves, just because it rattles some ones chains. What have we become? No one is willing to have an honest, "this is my opinion" attitude any more, just because someone might be upset, and hell that isn't very tolerant of others now is it? Tolerance equals stupidity when your opinions can't be heard for fear of another. Fuck off, and let me express myself without being such a bloody emotional fuck wad as a result! —Just want to express freely

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