Riding on a Friday Afternoon | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Riding on a Friday Afternoon

Posted on Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 10:42 AM

Everyone trying to rush home and especially the ancient man with veteran plates in the blue hatchback - this is not England. Get on your own side. In the case of Mr. Veteran, if you're struggling to turn the wheel on something with power steering, maybe you shouldn't be on the goddamned road at ALL.

Woman with the yappy rat dog - next time you let it run into the road I'm running over the damn thing. You scared the shit out of me and that poor woman with the Lab who your dog was attacking. Teaching you to leash your pets will be worth scrubbing the fried guts off my engine.

Teenagers driving Mommy's SUV home for lunch - at least buy me a drink and a saddle if you're going to ride my ass. I might as well be comfortable while you try and fuck me up to 70kph.

Sonofabitch in the red car with tinted windows - that octagonal thing the same colour as your car is not a suggestion. Thanks for being my first left-turn fuckstick. If you can't add not killing me to your busy schedule, at least do it for the school kids who cross the street there. While I am invisible, surely the tiny humans that swarm the area like bipedal ants will clearly get your attention when you blow around that corner. —Swampy

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