Golf Club Wielding Moron | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 13, 2011

Golf Club Wielding Moron

Posted on Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 11:45 AM

To the idiot who hopped out of his brown, older model minivan on Almon St. and approached my car with a golf club with the intent of using said club to cause bodily harm. I see you all the time, did you notice the uniform I was wearing when you jumped out of your shitty van? Nothing has happened to you yet, but I'm sure one of your little temper tantrums has now been caught on camera.

When you sit in traffic and honk your horn at someone who doesn't want to get stuck in the middle of an intersection because there is a bus stopped on the other side of North St. you would expect to have the person in front of you flip you the bird or just wave you off. But then, to follow that person in front of you until they reach another red light so you can hop out and confront them with a weapon? Maybe you should think for a second and ask yourself, what kind of weapon do they have in their car? A gun? Perhaps. I'm watching you bud! —Next Time

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