Caught in a Lie | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Caught in a Lie

Posted on Tue, May 24, 2011 at 10:23 AM

This is the 5th time in the past month that you've blown me off. Every week, we made plans for the weekend and they fell through every time because of something that came up on your part. I believed you every time you said you weren't feeling good, or that you were visiting family out of town, etc. But then I found out you were just avoiding me. Last weekend, we had plans to go out for some drinks, then you said you don't really like going out to clubs that much anymore. So I suggested several other options of where to go or to stay home or not even drink at all, just hang out. Then you say you're too tired. This made no sense to me and my gut was telling me you weren't telling the truth. Because you weren't! You went out... with other people! Don't like going out anymore, my ass. And why were you stupid enough to show pictures of your awesome night on facebook? I would obviously see it! Where did this all come from? You couldn't get enough of my company before, now you want nothing to do with me... wtf gives?! —Kiss this Friendship Goodbye

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