Dear Best Friend's Boyfriend | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, April 8, 2011

Dear Best Friend's Boyfriend

Posted on Fri, Apr 8, 2011 at 10:07 AM

Your girlfriend and I are very good friends. We spend part of nearly every day together, except weekends because that is your time together. My friend knows that I am bisexual and since she told you, you now know too. You make comments to your girlfriend to imply that she is cheating on you with me. Things like, "Oh, did your girlfriend come over today?" or "Why is the bed messed up?" It doesn't surprise me that you're too much of a coward to make these comments in front of me, but I am happy to inform you that we are NOT sleeping together or involved in any other romantic "activities". Just because I am bisexual does not mean that I am interested in all or even any of my female friends. You're turning 40 in just a few years, so maybe it's time to grow the fuck up. —Not Your Girlfriend's Girlfriend

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