Stop Signs Mean STOP! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 28, 2011

Stop Signs Mean STOP!

Posted on Mon, Mar 28, 2011 at 3:11 PM

Hey fucktard in the white car turning right onto Wyse from Pelzant at 7am this morning! You completely ignored that stop sign you came to at the intersection and pulled out in front of line of at least 4 cars. Not only is that ILLEGAL, because it's fucking unsafe in the best of conditions, but little did you know, that stretch of the road was actually slick with ice from the snow that happened overnight! Had your timing been only a second off you could have caused a massive pileup, fucking up everyone's morning commute! There were only 4 or 5 cars on the road, and had you stopped at the stop sign like you're supposed to you would have only had to wait a few fucking seconds to pull out on to Wyse SAFELY! You're lucky you didn't cause a cascade of rear-enders, because I would have tried to murder you with my tiny little girl hands if you had.

And don't bitch at me about driving for the conditions, I was going well under the speed limit after noticing the ice when I had to miss my turn a block before, because putting on my brakes, even slightly, caused me to fishtail. Thankfully I made it to work in one piece with no dents in my car, no thanks to you. —Defensive Driver

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