Playing Mommy for a Roommate | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Playing Mommy for a Roommate

Posted on Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 12:41 PM

I do the dishes. I vacuum. I clean the bathroom. I constantly clean up after you. I take out the trash. I take out the recycling.

You leave your trash on the counters and tables. You left a piece of trash on the kitchen table just the other day when the trash can is literally 2 feet away. You leave your crumbs all over the table. You spill your coffee grounds all over the place and leave them there. You've even spilled drinks on the counters and floor without cleaning them up.

I asked you to rinse your dishes and even told you that it makes it a lot easier for ME to do the dishes. You don't even do that anymore. You hoard dirty dishes in your room. I've stopped doing the dishes several times and every single time we've practically run out of dishes and I end up washing them because I need something to eat off of/with.

You haven't cleaned your hand towel or face cloth in months. MONTHS. They aren't even the colour they're supposed to be anymore. They're making the entire bathroom reek. You do realize they've reached a level of filth that won't be fixed by the washing machine, right?

I understand you're busy with school, but so am I. I manage to do my laundry, clean up after myself, clean up after you, and complete all of my schoolwork. Perhaps you should find a way to manage your time more efficiently. I'm not your mother. —Mommy Dearest

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