Stop Assaulting People | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Stop Assaulting People

Posted on Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 10:29 AM

It appears that you are unaware, or is it that you don't care, that all scents (whether it is the scented candle, detergent, perfumes and colognes, etc.) you use, contain multiple chemicals, often alcohol and SOMETIMES natural aromas. Many people have severe allergies to these chemicals and you are damaging your lungs and those of others by wearing and using scented products. Scent is supposed to be subtle, not fill the area around you. If you feel you must wear it, do the world a favour and at least apply it properly.

1. In the privacy of your bedroom, spray into the air once and walk through it.
2. Dab your pulse points once with a small amount of perfume/cologne.

If you can still smell the perfume a few seconds after applying it, you are wearing too much. Even though you can't smell it, others will. Please show some consideration for others and for the environment by stopping the use (or at least the overuse) of scents; it's offensive and an assault on peoples' lungs. —Congested Lungs

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