Nasty Manager | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Nasty Manager

Posted on Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 12:13 PM

My extended family and I went out to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. There were 23 of us and the bill was about $320. The service was great, but unfortunately the bill was so high, I couldn't leave a tip. It had taken up most of the money I had at the time. The server remained kind and pleasant even upon realizing there wouldn't be a tip. The manager though, displayed much different behavior. As I was leaving the establishment, the bitch approaches me and tells me never to return. I asked her why, since I've ate there many times. She told me patrons who don't tip on bills that large aren't welcome there. Clearly, the server kept her cool in front of me, but informed the manager that I didn't tip. Apparently, the server was in tears afterwards, so the manager says. Well, if she really was crying because I didn't tip, I feel dreadful BUT you miss manager, are absolutely unprofessional and should not ban customers just for not tipping. Only customers who are rowdy and harass others should be banned. I'm reporting you to head office, you miserable little thing! —Floored Customer

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