High School in Eastern Passage??? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, October 4, 2010

High School in Eastern Passage???

Posted on Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 3:40 PM

To the people who want a high school in EP:

Are you crazy? You want the future generations of EP to experience nothing but EP?? Most of the people who want this high school are new to the community... so you know what? Listen to a lifelong resident. SAY NO TO A HIGH SCHOOL IN EASTERN PASSAGE.

And to all of the Prince Andrew, Cole Harbour High, Dartmouth High students and parents of future students: FYI, they want to change boundaries and shift things around for all of your schools just so they can get a school in EP. Ask them. They want some of PA to head over to CH, some of DHS to come to school in EP with them. This will lead to MAJOR boundary changes, not only in the high schools, but all of the elementary and junior high schools that feed into them. This is not just an Eastern Passage issue - it affects you all.

So PLEASE...send an email to the mayor, the school board, the MLA... and shut this idea down before these loud-mouths gain anymore supporters who have no idea what they are talking about. —Former Cole Harbour High Cavalier...from Eastern Passage


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