North End Crooner... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

North End Crooner...

Posted on Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Sometimes in the North End there's this fucker with a karaoke machine who decides to grace us all with his voice. When he decides to "entertain" the neighborhood he sounds like a dying moose or, at the very least, somebody with rocks in their mouth.

You can't sing buddy so shut the fuck up!!!! We can hear you and we are four streets over! You got this shit set up in your yard and when you decide to turn on the speakers and microphone to "bellow" it is far less than graceful! It's monotone and hard on the ears.

I'd hate to see what you look like. I don't know why somebody hasn't called the cops on you for disturbing the peace. —Where the hell are my ear plugs?


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