Why are you yelling at me?! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, August 30, 2010

Why are you yelling at me?!

Posted on Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 2:05 PM

It was a beautiful Saturday morning, a cool breeze off the harbour, and the city was in good spirits as folks made their way to the farmers market. It was 7:30am, still early in market terms, and we were looking for a parking spot. We drove passed the lot and noticed a car had left, and since I saw not only that free space, but another five or six, I stopped and, very politely - I might add, asked if we could park there. YOU so aggressively barked back "NO! We have to make room for more cars, we're pretty damn full here in case you couldn't see!"

Sir, was that REALLY necessary? Could you maybe have said "Sorry I have to let a few more out before I can let some more in", or maybe even made a suggestion as to where I may find a spot. Yelling at folks eager only to scour the market for kale and tofu and enjoy the nice weather... how is that any way to start your day?

You know, I COULD have yelled something snarky right back, I COULD have used my most nagging Bart Simpson retort ("Way to guard the parking lot, Top Gun"), but I did not. Instead we found a place to park elsewhere... and I cried. Yes that's right, I cried. Does this make me kinda lame? Yes, it does. And I realize that. And I'm not trying to make this a sob story - but the next time you decide to tell someone off for asking if they can park, perhaps consider the fact that that question, is not a personal attack... it's not an insult... it's a question... ONLY a question. So maybe, you know...calm down...just a little?

And perhaps consider a little wisdom from good old Plato: "BE KIND, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle". —Joyfulness may only commence once INSIDE


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