Multigenerational Payback is a Bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Multigenerational Payback is a Bitch

Posted on Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 1:58 PM

Why do I have to suffer for the sins of rich corrupt bastards that lived over a hundred of years ago?

I don't even know those guys. I don't have any of their money or wealth. I am piss poor. So why am I punished?

Raised by a feminist (practical non-militant type). Taught tolerance and love. What does life give me? Hate and discrimination.

I cannot be held accountable for what some total stranger did 100 years ago. So he happened to be the same colour and gender as I. So what?

Yet throughout life, I am made to pay for slavery and sexism.

Now I am a slave with no rights or freedoms. This is not "Backlash". (rolls eyes) It is common fucking human decency.

If I were King everybody would work. Everybody. —ReincarnatedMicMacShamanInAWhiteMansBody


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