Parking 101 | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Parking 101

Posted on Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 1:22 AM

Learn how to fucking park already!

How many times do I have to come home to find that the rear end of some asshole's car has partially blocked my driveway. No big deal - if my driveway was wide - but we live in the CITY and our driveway is very narrow. So you blocking half of it makes it a huge pain in the ass to pull in.

Yes, at times it's still possible to get in but we OWN the house and pay property taxes... so that we can use OUR driveway whenever we feel like it.

And while I'm on it, what the fuck is up with lazy/ignorant douche-bags parking on the wrong side of the street?

There is PLENTY of legal parking on one side of the street (the same side as my house) and you're free to park there. Normally I wouldn't give a shit, but by parking on the other side I have practically zero room to maneuver into backing down my driveway.

What's that you say? Why not just pull in instead? I choose to back down my driveway so I can actually see approaching cars and pedestrians on the sidewalk and avoid hitting them when I pull out.

And before anyone points out that I drive when I could use our city's public transit system - no I can't. I have to work, and there is currently no public transit to where I work.

And you, Mr. Fucktard-in-the-big-truck-1/2-a-metre-from-the-curb, that glared at me last night when I gave a friendly couple of honks to let you know I needed you to move your truck so I could pull into my driveway - Fuck off and read the sign. —Just needed to get that off my chest


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