Bad Dads | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Bad Dads

Posted on Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 2:56 PM

Good for you, you pay child support. This must make you a wonderful father. 10 years later and we are still dancing to the same song...

First of all, you are obligated to pay child support. It is seriously the LEAST you could do. But you know what? I would gladly give it back and PAY YOU if you just spent time with our child.

Do you know how many times our child has asked what is wrong with him? Why doesn't Daddy love me and want to spend time with me? DO you know how many times our child has cried in my arms, so confused and so hurt and so determined to be a "better child" so that you will pay attention to him? Of course you don't. You aren't around him long enough for him to open up to you.

You seriously have no idea how amazing he is. No clue. He is so funny and loving and kind and intelligent. And you take it for granted. You are so delusional to think that you have all the time in the world to cultivate a relationship with him. Time is running out.

He is getting older. He is starting to see through all of the lies and excuses I have told him. He is starting to see you for exactly what you are. A poor excuse of a man and father.

And while I am at it, you can continue to manipulate peoples' perception of me because that is the only thing you really pay attention to. You can call me names.. I am such a slut and a whore. I'm a gold digger. LOL. Those names would make more sense if I wasn't cleaning up vomit on a Saturday night or sitting with my son on a cold winter night wrapped in a blanket getting relief from his Croup while you fuck anything you can stick your tiny little dick into and slam beers like your 21 and not 35.

You can continue down this path of blame laying for as long as you like... I will still be mum. I will still be the one who he cries for and asks for and idolizes. Why? Because I love him. Not just every couple months... Every Single Day.

So to all of you dead beat dads... either SHAPE UP or FUCK OFF. —His Mum


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