Do Some Work You Lazy Bum!!! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Do Some Work You Lazy Bum!!!

Posted on Tue, Jun 22, 2010 at 10:12 PM

You know what I'm sick of? Roommates!

Why did I ever think that saving half the rent each month was worth this shit? Just because I don't have to work full time to make more money than you doesn't make me your slave. You're not doing me any favors by working everyday... you're doing yourself the favor by being able to afford your half of the bills.

It's not a give and take situation. I pay half the bills... just because I'm home all day, doesn't mean I should be the servant and do all the dishes and housework... and laundry????

You gotta be kidding me if you actually think because you work all the time, I shouldn't complain that you don't do any housework. If you want to live with your mother, move home!!!

To recap... I don't care if you work all day and you're tired. It is still not my job to do all the housework. You are responsible for HALF of everything around here. Even if I sat home all day and picked my nose, it still doesn't mean I should be doing all the work.

Get a life and face your responsibilities. If it wasn't for this lease, I'd be out of here and back on my own. Screw saving money!!! Living with you isn't worth it. —Sick of Slobs


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