Actually, it's NOT a Good Time... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Actually, it's NOT a Good Time...

Posted on Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 11:57 AM

Finally, after 2 years of grad school I am getting the fuck out of here. Being the good tenant that I am I gave the standard 3 month termination of lease notice. Less than 24 hours later my building super is banging on my door demanding that I allow strangers to traipse through my apartment.

Now, I UNDERSTAND that they are not required to give me 24 hours of notice when showing the apartment, nor do they necessarily need my "permission" but they give me ZERO notice and show up at all hours of the day! It has happened 3 times in the past week despite my requesting a phone call or some notification so I can at least tidy the place up and head to the coffee shop around the corner.

Does anyone know if there is any recourse I can take regarding this? I've been on the tenancy website and all it says is that they can show the apartment at "a reasonable hour". GAH! —Just a quick heads up will do

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