Buck and bitch | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Buck and bitch

Posted on Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:16 AM

I can understand if store employees want to keep an eye out for people shoplifting, but following shoppers around and hiding behind shelves watching them until they leave is just plain disrespectful.

You could have at least been a little bit more discrete, I could see your giant ugly glasses and disgusting stained sweater in plain view every time I went to a new aisle. I hope you heard me yell "you could at least pretend to be doing something".

Even after I left you continued to point at me, telling your co-workers that I was stealing. It was pretty embarrassing standing there looking at oven mitts in my work uniform while you fucking stood there staring at me. It was my first and last time in there and I didn't even purchase a thing... and since when is a dollar equal to $15? —Buck up

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