I'll find that whiskey if I have to wait all night for it | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I'll find that whiskey if I have to wait all night for it

Posted on Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:30 PM

WTF Nova Scotia!?

The liquor stores close at 10? Am I a little child who needs to be told when I can have a drink?

I've lived here for almost two years and so far I've been told that I can't park my car on the street, I have to pay at least 2.50 for a glass of shitty rum, I have to pay 13% tax on everything I buy, I have to get my car inspected every 2 years, and I'm not allowed to buy booze to take home after 10 pm. Like I'm some sort of a little baby and I came to visit mean old Aunt Nova Scotia and she's like the biggest bitch babysitter I've ever had.

18 dollars for a pitcher of beer? W to the T to the F? In the immortal words of Kurt Cobain -- Grandma, take me home. BTW, restricting peoples access to booze does not control alcoholism.—Where the rivers of whiskey are flowing - NOT

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