Just Mind Your Own Business and Let Security Guards Do Their Job | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Just Mind Your Own Business and Let Security Guards Do Their Job

Posted on Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 10:17 PM

I am not some rule crazy bully who has nothing better to do than pick on skater kids and beggars. I pride myself on my manners and I know when to give someone a break. So when I am in the middle of an argument, it's safe to assume it's because the person's being unreasonable and now I need to intervene.

And then you walk into the middle of it and try and fix it for us.

#1 It's not your job. #2 You don't know the situation. #3 All you're doing is making my job tougher.

I don't know where you get off thinking you can march into the middle of my work thinking you can do my job better than I, but all you've accomplished is to make me look like an asshole because you're acting like a fool.

And then I have to deal with these exact people day after day because they know they can get away with it BECAUSE weepy dolts like yourself want to step in, take their side and launch in on me.

This has nothing to do with saving face or about you going to my supervisor, (who will just tell you what you want to hear and then we bitch about you in the back office). It's not even about the lowlifes I'm trying to deal with. What bothers me is just your sheer arrogance... you might as well just call me a douche bag and be done with it.

So unless it involves you, or you see a guy on the ground (blood soaked nightstick). PLEASE, just give us the benefit of the doubt and assume that we know our jobs. That we're aware of how to handle people AND ARE NOT ASSHOLES!

So with all due respect, kindly fuck off...—Your friendly downtown security guard

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