Dear Diva Cup boiler | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dear Diva Cup boiler

Posted on Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 7:14 PM

I can totally relate to needing to keep your personal hygiene at its highest at all points in the day, especially when it comes to your period. But seriously, there is no need to boil your diva cup in a communal kettle used to make tea and coffee for over 30 people. Some of those people work overnight shifts and need tea or coffee to keep them going for 8 straight hours when nothing is happening.

Now, I'm without water (because I poured my water into the kettle without realizing what would come of it) AND I can't make tea. Please, please, PLEASE refrain from doing this in the future. —Tealess worker

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