Don't you just fucking hate | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Don't you just fucking hate

Posted on Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 11:32 PM

...when someone tries to force their religion down your throats. Even on facebook, there are these people, some brain dead, tho they may be, are flaunting their shit over a supposedly neutral site. And blessing this, that and the big shit of dog shit they stepped in. ENOUGH PEOPLE, if you want to believe, fucking a-okay by me. But please stop being such a twit and posting this shit anywhere and everywhere. And putting a picture of a fucking cat up, with it's paws grabbing for something, doesn't mean the fucking this is praying, preying maybe, waiting to a fat, juicy bird, that is all. Don't try to read some other bullshit into it, my cats do it all the time, and trust me, they don't believe in this god, speghetti monster, zorro, or even buddah or mohamad. Give it the fuck up. If you wanna go to a place to sit and listen to some old diddler drone on for hours, good luck. Leave the rest of us out of it, THANK YOU VERY FUCKING MUCH. —LIFE SUCKS

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