Bed bugs? | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bed bugs?

Posted on Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 12:20 PM

I am very paranoid of bed bugs in Halifax apartments! I checked all over the internet last May (a certain bed-bug warning website that had pinpointed places on maps) before I moved into a 10-floor apartment in the southern point of the south end. I have come to find out it is quite a shitty decrepit building that has ant problems, mould and I am sure will have an infestation of something else come May since the water sprinklers broke on the top floor and water bucketed out soaking and flooding the floors below it.

Yesterday, I found a bug crawling on my carpet. The bug reminded me of a tick but I thought it looked like a frigging bed bug. I squished it to smithereens and was in denial thinking I was just paranoid. This morning I forgot to put my water filter container back into the fridge and so it was sitting on my coffee table. I grabbed a clean clear glass from the drying tray beside my sink and inspected it to make sure it was good to go. I poured the water from the container into the glass and saw a frigging thing float around...It looked identical to the bug I squished yesterday! This one is dead but intact.

GAHHH! Any suggestions? Or if you know what place I am talking about are you having any issues with bugs?

I am getting the hell out of this apartment in May, but can't stand the thought that it could be a bed bug infestation happening right now! —Creepy-Crawlied Out

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