| Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Posted on Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:53 PM

My friend and I were on our way home from the Spring Garden Road Library today. Two girls got on the bus and sat nearby (I think they were university students). In my humble opinion they were talking rather loud. I have tinnitus—ringing in the ears—so if I found it loud then it must have been REALLY loud to the other patrons!

And every third or fourth word out of one of them was "like." Hey girls...if you can, like, get into university because you're, like, intelligent enough to apply and, like, get accepted, why can't you, like, converse in a, like, intelligent manner? FUCK, YOU TWO WERE ANNOYING! (OK, I digress, it was mostly the blonde girl. The other one was just listening. It was apparent she could not get a word in edgewise.)

Well I'm glad I got that in the open. THANK YOU LTWWB! —Like, Shut the, Like, Fuck Up!

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