Oh no, immigrants are taking all our jobs! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, February 22, 2010

Oh no, immigrants are taking all our jobs!

Posted on Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 11:51 PM

This is to all the moronic bigots who are on here grousing that immigrants are taking precious jobs away from "real" Canadians.

First off, immigrants generate economic activity. When there is a population increase, the added pressure on the community to provide needed services and an increase in the demand for basic goods means that the community needs to hire more people to satisfy this increased need.

Secondly, Canada historically has been an immigration country since the time the English so considerately requested that the land—rightly belonging to the Native peoples originally here— e monopolized for settlement. (For all you idiots who can't tell, sarcasm implied.) It was more like they raped, pillaged and plundered this great nation and transformed it to what it is today: run by an idiot.

Therefore, a person who has newly come from, say, India and has obtained citizenship after three years is just as much Canadian as some asshole telling him to GTFO because the asshole's family has been here for generations. I mean come on! Immigrants tend to know far more than the average Canadian-born citizen because they must pass an examination in order to be bestowed citizenship status. This exam tests applicants in depth knowledge of the Canadian legislature, Charter of Rights, key points in history from the date of confederacy, all of which most Canadian born citizens (those of whom exude this goddamned air of entitlement) couldn't tell apart from their own derieres.

Fourth point: many immigrants come with valuable technical skills, higher education (many time with a post-graduate diploma) only to be relegated to driving a taxi or cleaning offices because that was in fact their life's calling. Oh no! They are taking your valuable, essential employment opportunities! Someone kick them all out fast!

Canada, wake the hell up and start giving credit where credit is due to those who have spent almost a decade in school and are qualified to be a surgeon, engineer, nurse or pharmacist in their home country should be given the respect and fair opportunity to provide these greatly needed services in our communities.

So what do they do instead when they are denied a fair stab at equitable employment? They set up shop and exercise their right and skills in entreprenurship. Oh. You don't like it? They're taking business away from others in the community? Really? It's called competition. Deal with it or step up your game. Step it up or STFU!—1stJenner

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