The worst show on the face of the fucking planet | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The worst show on the face of the fucking planet

Posted on Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 10:12 PM

I know this is a completely useless bitch, but I can't take it anymore. I only get shitty free cable (the channels you get when you splice your internet signal), so I only get to watch a couple of shows on TV. There are a few shows I like, but most I do not. The show I loathe the most is Keys to the VIP.

All the bros on this show are fucking ridiculous and have clearly created a following of douchebags (been downtown recently on a Saturday night?) They are all arrogant fucks that manipulate drunk girls into sleeping with them and have the nerve to brag about it. What's worse is that they provide sports commentary like they're professionals at picking up women. I'm all for having sex, one night stands included, but at least be a real man when you put yourself out there instead of making a sport out of it.

95% of these men will die alone and miserable because they failed to develop real communication skills that go beyond an hour of drunk conversation (and 5 minutes of morning-after excuses). The other 5% will get someone knocked up, get married then divorced, lose everything, and still die miserable. Wake up.

--Very Irritated Person

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