Double-wides on the bus | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Double-wides on the bus

Posted on Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:01 PM

Okay. I used to defend obese people and the still accepted derision of name calling, etc....but I am getting to the point where I am losing sympathy and patience with them. In the last several weeks I have sat down on the bus next to people that literally take-up one and a half seats worth of space....but it's not just's the scarey number of them walking with canes because their knees are messed-up from the excessive weight or even worse the ones that can no longer walk and are in motorized wheel chairs....these people need to smarten up....or at least be taxed on their goodies....I no longer accept that it is glandular or is what it is....people with little or no self control at the trough.
---tired of ultra fatties

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