Damned InterWeb Thingie | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, October 9, 2009

Damned InterWeb Thingie

Posted on Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 3:02 PM

This is for all you jackass corporate types who put together committees on creating committees to set up your "customer-friendly" websites, and refuse to let the experts build you something useful...

FUCK OFF! Maybe people would use your online customer service applications if you let the developer build them right! FU-UCK!

Seriously, I can't register for the service if you make it impossible for me to find where to enter the required information...

AND if you want to go "paperless", maybe you should have your forms created with some fucking INSTRUCTIONS... and the proper number of space for characters in a form...

You want me to enter the numbers on my card, (and I am looking at the GODDAMNED THING right now, the pattern is 4 digits, then 3, then 3, then 3 more), but your online form is asking me for 4 digits, then 3, then 5, then 2 more.

There are no other numbers on it, asswipe, it only has 13!!! You're asking for 14! Should I just keep trying to register by adding a digit at the end until it works?

And don't get me started about calling the Customer Service Line to help me set it up...


---So tired of useless corporate websites

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