Thursday night robbery... | Love the Way We Bitch

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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Thursday night robbery...

Posted on Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 1:54 PM

To the asshole who smashed in the window to our new (and first) car to steal two bags, behind the Welsford. Hope it was worth the $70 and my $15 sunglasses. Now I have to pay to have the window fixed and the seal around the window that you wrecked while unsuccessfully trying to unlock the door. How could you do that to someone? GET A LIFE!

Also to the HR Police who did nothing. I tried to call the 'non emergency line' about 90 times over a 2 day period to report the incident with no answer or a busy signal.

Also to the dispatcher to answered my call and gave me the 'non emergency' number for your COMPLETE lack of empathy . I realize you get these calls all day long, but it feels really shitty when you feel that violated and not even the police care. I work in costumer service and even if I've heard a complaint a thousand times I still have to show empathy!

P.S. I found all my stuff in a garbage can in the commons, full of dirt and dog shit, you prick.

---Feeling violated

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