Water Commission: booooo! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Water Commission: booooo!

Posted on Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 1:38 AM

Why in the name of Christ has it taken 125+ years to upgrade the Freshwater Brook Sewer? Have useless jackoffs been running this show the whole time, handing it down from asshole to asshole?

Why is construction almost a year behind schedule? They tell us “significant safety/construction issues” have caused the delays. What a vague, useless explanation. Safety issues? Secure the trenches and put your fucking hard hats on! Construction issues? (Assuming this is the CO leak they talked about) Is this the first sewer upgrade project in history? Of course there will be escaping gas, it's part of the fucking deal! Why was this not addressed in the design process?

Why was traffic control seemingly completely ignored? If your logic was that traffic would just filter off and find their way around it, you are morons. You dig up a giant swath of the south end and simultaneously shut down several main arteries, and never thought about the consequences? All those vehicles have been funneled down residential streets (which are too narrow at the best of times) and it’s become treacherous for vehicles and pedestrians alike. If there had have been a fire or emergency this past weekend, with all those u-hauls parked everywhere, it would have been a disaster.

The people in charge of water and sewer in this city need to be lined up for a city-wide ass-paddling. Then fired. They obviously don’t know shit (pun intended) about running municipal systems and they have been mishandling things for way too fucking long.

----"World class services for our customers and our environment" my ass.

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