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Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Posted on Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 4:27 PM

I read about the women who are mad that they get hit on at work. Your not the only ones. I am a cook and I work with a lot of waiters who are not hitting on the waitresses because they are hitting on each other and sometimes me. They know I like girls but they still say things like I got a nice ass. It is embarassing not funny. If I get angry they say they are just joking. I can't say much because then I'm called a homophobic.One guy even touched me, but he said he didn't mean it that way when I yelled. But I know he did.

---just want to do my job

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