Enough of the hate! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Enough of the hate!

Posted on Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:13 AM

So the latest rise in the tax on a pack of fags has lead to an increase in the government coffers, but NO reduction in smoking. And yet the anti-tobacco facists sitting in their "cafés" are applauding this latest 'sin tax' like it's the opening of the great gates of Kiev...!

When in actual fact, we are looooong overdue for a 'sin' tax on caffeine, aren't we, including the discarded cups that decorate our beloved city. I propose to start with 50 cents per 100 mg of caffeine (the widest used addictive drug in the world)...of course this will rise with every budget. A further 10 cent bounty on the cups will suffice. Furthermore, why not use the 5 bucks-a-pack tax already ON smokes and put a penny-a-butt bounty? Watch and learn folks, as the cigarette cash cow actually does something useful...

And "when", not "if", the caffeine tax is introduced, I will personally stand (5 meters) outside your coffee shop doors, smoking my Indian smokes and laugh my arse off at you smug, caffeine-riddled, nuerotic, shaking, car-swerving, one-hand driving-killers-of pedestrians, coffee-swilling hypocrites...

---baD mR fRosTy

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