Baby on Board Signs | Love the Way We Bitch

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby on Board Signs

Posted on Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:43 PM

Really? A Baby on Board?! In your car!? I'd better slow down and take EXTRA care. Seriously, I'm not driving around looking for middle aged people to hit all day...this isn't going to keep me or anyone else from hitting your car. I'm not going to drive extra careful around your baby filled car. I'm not going to give you extra space and I'm not going to drive any other way than I always do. I'm not going care more about your baby than any other human being. I actually have a lot more admiration and respect for anyone for each year added to their lifespan as it can be a harsh world out there and they've done well just to get this far. Of course, maybe this sign is just a way of bragging about your baby. Another worthless sign filling the already jumbled view of nearly every vantage point of human population. And if you are bragging, then...if anything, I rather hit your car than any other.


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