Turn off your lights, you will wake the dead. | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Turn off your lights, you will wake the dead.

Posted on Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 1:07 PM

Dear funeral home,

Every night I look out my window from across the street and see over 60 different light bulbs, glistening in our beautiful summer rain. While I enjoy the slight twinkle, I have to question why you need so many lights on throughout the night. You are in a residential area, not a carnival. It is absurd that in this day and age, a company would be so oblivious to the effects of such decorative waste.

Do the math. leave just 1 or 2 lights on if you need to, and pass the savings on to the vulnerable people you exploit in their time of need.

---buried in bulbs

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