The 5 cent plastic bag rip-off! | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, June 22, 2009

The 5 cent plastic bag rip-off!

Posted on Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:55 AM

I refuse to pay 5 cents for something the millions-of-dollars profit-making grocery giants used to provide as a courtesy to customers. It's not about plastic bags in land-fills for them, it is about adding more profits to their coffers. What is the difference between plastic grocery bags and plastic garbage bags that we all take to the curb for garbage collection that end up in landfills??? Hypocrisy at it's finest! This 5 cent charge is about making money and nothing else! Most of the alternatives aren't biodegradable either rendering their logic ineffectual and insulting to those of us with enough intelligence to recognize the truth!


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