Find another job | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Find another job

Posted on Thu, May 28, 2009 at 2:03 PM

You are disorganised. You are uninformed. You lack the ability to understand your department's dependency and inter-connectivity to the rest of us that pick up the slack and do damage control for your mistakes. You make us look bad to clients - clients have little contact with or knowledge of. Until they come to us because you are nowhere to be found. We have tried the approach of helping you to help the client. You can't even get that right. We have tried the approach of having your superior tell you what your job is. I am now sure you don't understand simple instruction and, unfortunately, your job requires very detail-oriented instruction. Find another job - they cannot fire you at the height of our busy season and adequately replace you with someone to fix this mess in time - they will have to just do without you. Your ability to create this kind of havoc makes us all look worse the longer you stay in the position.


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