Lazy Family Members | Love the Way We Bitch

Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Lazy Family Members

Posted on Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 1:01 PM

Dear Family- I have had it with you. My mother and my sister are the biggest slobs ever. I am tired of cleaning up after your messes your not my kids your my mother and my sister.

Here's an example. I wash all the dishes in our house put them away scrub out the sink vacumn the floor wipe the counters and clean out the fridge of old expired food. Fast forward ten minutes later. My mother loves to dump her tea bags in the sink instead of the compost. Of course I had just shined up the sink and of course that happens. second day I wake up to find a dirty frying pan dishes all over the main floor of our house and dirty counters again and of course nobody emptyed the dishwasher. fast forward to lunch- sister and boyfriend make soup leave dirty pot wrapper and bowls scattered about the kitchen. Fast forward to supper meanwhile none of these things have been attended too. I find a dirty baking pan three plates of food with left overs sitting on the counter- sis mom and sis bf are too lazy to scrape them into the compost container so they sit there. So I end up cleaning up the mess for another day in a row by myself. Say anything about it to sis and she gets defensive screams like a 8 year old She's 18 years old and tells me I'm a slob for having a stray sock or a beer can in my room. then goes to her room slams the door and screams about some deleted resume from her computer when she had asked me to reformat it saying it had a virus one month prior so I do it for her then get yelled at about some resume that was on it. Way to be ungrateful sis. Oh and you don't want to here about my mom lets just say she still gets money from her divorced husband which is suppose to be for us but haha thats never happening. Oh and lets see another pet peeve someone likes to go piss and not flush the toilet! DISGUSTING. I know all of these seem trivial but when they all add up together Its overwhelming- can't wait to move out

---Mr Clean

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