Fucking cat | Love the Way We Bitch

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fucking cat

Posted on Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 9:46 AM

This bitch is for my stupid fucking cat, who I love dearly but is dumb as bricks and driving me nuts.

The bitch cries for food. I put food in her dish. She eats some. Five fucking minutes later she's on my ass again for more food WHEN THERE'S FOOD IN HER DISH. The bottom of the dish isn't even showing. No I'm not putting fresh food in your dish every five minutes: you're pampered beyond belief, but this is insanity! There's food in your dish. I know your brain's the size of a pea, but surely it only takes two cells to rub together to realize "hey there's food in my dish *chomp*!" She inhales the stuff so it's not like she doesn't like the damn food.

Fucking cat.

---Pussy Whipped

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