Probiotic does not equal Healthy. | Love the Way We Bitch

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Probiotic does not equal Healthy.

Posted on Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 10:10 PM

Look, people, Probiotic food is about as healthy as a Salmonella infection. In fact, it functions in the same fashion, that being it replaces the normal bacteria in your gut and when there is an overabundance of the bacteria, you evacuate the invaders. Thus, all of the "health benefits" associated. All of the beneficial effects can be attained by simply eating healthier overall, and eating more fibre. You don't need to spend 6 bucks on a 4 pack of yogurt drinks. Eat some whole grains, and you'll see what I mean. Not to mention too, we go around our house trying to eradicate the little buggers with anti-bacterial cleaners. Finally, they're only recycling the bacteria that they use to make the yogurt in the first place...

--- L. Casei bullshittyensis.

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