Noisy dogs | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Noisy dogs

Posted on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 10:36 AM

WTF is it with you people that have dogs?

You can't take the time to teach them to shut the fuck up?? I have about 7-8 dogs living on my street, I rarely hear them, and when you do it is once and that's it. I have great neighbours. But why oh why, when you walk your dog to the store, or take it to a ballpark right next to somebody's house...which was there LONG before the ballpark, or just put it out in the yard, do you have to let it bark and bark and bark and bark. There are by laws agaisnt that you know. And why the fuck do you fuckers insist on hooking the dogs leash to MY FENCE??!!! Why do I have to continually tell you to not leave your animal tied to my fence barking it's fucking head off?? Have a bit of respect for your fellow neighbours in the community. I don't let my kids go screaming around the neighbourhood and I wouldn't let my dog either. There are two things that really piss me off waking up to, un-necessary screaming kids and barking dogs. Dogs are way worse. Shut the thing up, or next time I let it go free while you're not looking.

---didn't have to be up so early

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