Lonely traveller | Love the Way We Bitch

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Friday, March 20, 2009

Lonely traveller

Posted on Fri, Mar 20, 2009 at 4:04 PM

I realize I am a female in her 20's. I realize this makes me a target. That does not mean, however, that when I express my desire to travel the world on my own, you need to remind me about how I'll get raped, robbed, and murdered. The world is a dark and scary place, but come on. I am an adult now and know better than to talk to/make eye contact with strangers, hang out in dark alleys, and carry anything in a purse.

I've shown you my research, my plans, my budget, my goals, and what I plan to do in given situations (not that any amount of planning can keep from something bad happening, it helps any way). Now leave me alone and let me learn from my own mistakes.


---lady nomad

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