job Splitting = splitting headache | Love the Way We Bitch

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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

job Splitting = splitting headache

Posted on Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:37 AM

When I graduated I was offered temporary full-time work in my department on the condition that I spend 20 hours in one section and 20 on another project. Great, I think, at least I have a job.

WOULD have been great if the two weren't in complete competition for my time, all the time, and if I wasn't treated like the conflicting demands were somehow my FAULT.

I'm thankful to even be employed, but if I am doing two part-time jobs in one department, cut me some slack if I occasionally have difficulty juggling responsibilities, as BOTH could be their own full time job if it wasn't for your budget.

Oh, and FYI, now that you've taken away my quiet desk for the project and I have to sit at a reception desk, it WILL be distracting. It's not my fault so don't try to chastise me.

---Looking for a better job

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