Sidewalk Choc(olate) | Love the Way We Bitch

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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sidewalk Choc(olate)

Posted on Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 2:07 PM

To those of you who neglect to pick up after your shit-factories on Brenton St. between Morris & Clyde, fuck you fuckbags. I shudder to think, but I can only assume that it is dog shit. Regardless, it's frigging disgusting. I've never seen so much crap in one place. it's as if someone held their own private poopoo parade by upending a royal flush all along the block. It's just unbefuckinlievable. From the still-in-tact brown dollies off to the side and in the snowbank, to the festering stinky spectators that look on while their cousins on the sidewalk become embossed with the shoe prints of unsuspecting bastards and get streaked down half the block like chocolate fudge dragons, I mean, this shit is goddam fucking eh-vry-where. And I feel like I would be satisfied to shove it right down your stupid goddam fucking clown throats; just a fantasy though. Apart from the shit all over the place, it's a pretty nice street I guess. So bring a bag, a Smarties box, something, and stoop and scoop. It's not neuroscience . You know who you are, so consider yourselves busted.

---Sam Je

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